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Fashioning Technology: A DIY Intro to Smart Crafting (Craft: Projects)

Author(s):Syuzi Pakhchyan
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Langue: English
Pages: pages
Size:34.90 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] ### Ready to Elevate Your Craft Projects? With "smart" materials, innovative assembly techniques, and the right tools, you can create accessories, housewares, and toys that light up, make sounds, and do even more. *Fashioning Technology* is an introductory DIY book that seamlessly blends technology and crafts in a fun and unique way. You'll find jargon-free explanations and a variety of how-to projects that enable you to create—and even wear—functional works of art. Written for a broad audience, this book shows how to merge sewing and assembly techniques with basic electronics. You'll learn to assemble simple circuits using conductive thread, solder joints for snaps, and switches as buttons. With a sewing machine as a substitute for a soldering iron, you can craft a new generation of interactive, quirky, and fashion-forward objects. Author Syuzi Pakhchyan, an experienced artist, roboticist, and educator, guides you through the use of smart materials like thermo- and photochromatic inks that change color with touch or sunlight, magnetic and conductive paints, polymorph plastic, fiber optics, and more. In *Fashioning Technology*, you'll discover: - An invaluable reference section that clearly explains materials, components, and tools, complete with photos - A wide range of projects, including electronic accessories, interactive plush toys, and color-changing blinds, utilizing diverse crafting techniques - Techniques for seasoned crafters looking to incorporate simple electronics into their projects - Methods for makers skilled in electronics who want to explore unconventional project ideas Each project encourages personalization and customization, allowing you to use your own designs, materials, and craft skills. *Fashioning Technology* transforms traditional electronics into engaging, fashionable interactive projects for geeks, fashionistas, and craft enthusiasts alike. Now you can truly be the flashiest dresser in town! [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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