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The Manual - A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method (USM): Speed Reading, Super Memory, Laser Concentration, Rapid Mental Arithmetic and the Ultimate Study Method (USM)

Author(s):Rod Bremer
Publisher:Amazon Digital Services
Langue: English
Pages: 242 pages
Size:2.67 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] The *Manual* is the ultimate guide to mastering essential cognitive skills like Enhanced Concentration, Super Memory, Speed Reading, Optimal Note-Taking, Rapid Mental Arithmetic, and the Ultimate Study Method (USM). Drawing on decades of practical experience, the latest scientific research, and time-tested strategies, this system offers proven techniques that will help you: - **Read faster** while improving comprehension. - **Store information** effectively in long-term memory. - **Enhance focus** and concentration. - Access **deeper levels of your mind** for greater insight. - Induce **relaxation** for improved mental clarity. - Master the **Ultimate Study Method (USM)** for maximum productivity. USM is a comprehensive approach combining established methods for concentration, long-term memory, speed reading, and note-taking. This synergistic system allows you to study any topic efficiently, making learning faster, easier, and more effective. Whether you're in school, academic research, business, or any professional field, the techniques outlined in this book will enable you to: - **Study less** while achieving better results and enjoying the process. - **Expand your vocabulary** and increase your knowledge exponentially. - **Sharpen your mind**, improving mental clarity and overall cognitive function. - Enhance your **creativity** and problem-solving skills. - **Learn foreign languages** with ease and retain them effortlessly. - **Master numbers** and improve mathematical skills in everyday life. - **Remember names, faces**, and key details easily. - **Master the Human Organiser system**, a mental tool for instantly recording schedules, appointments, contacts, ideas, and more. - Memorize anything from **chess openings** to **maps**, **Morse code**, **presidents**, and even **recipes**—with ease. This book introduces unique methods not found in print before, offering a progressively complex learning structure. Later chapters build on earlier lessons, and each section includes practical examples, exercises, and a training schedule to ensure steady progress toward mastery. With this guide, you’ll unlock your full cognitive potential and become a faster, smarter, and more efficient learner—both in academics and everyday life. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Key-Words: Télécharger The Manual - A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method (USM): Speed Reading, Super Memory, Laser Concentration, Rapid Mental Arithmetic and the Ultimate Study Method (USM) EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU . Download The Manual - A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method (USM): Speed Reading, Super Memory, Laser Concentration, Rapid Mental Arithmetic and the Ultimate Study Method (USM) EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU .

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