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Coronavirus 2020 : What is really happening and how to prevent it (updated February 12th, 2020 Wuhan Outbreak)

Auteurs(s):Grayson Wick
Edition:First Edition
Taille:4 MB

Description: The recent outbreak of Coronavirus in China has sent the world in a panic mode. Airports are being turned into screening centers. Government’s travel advices and restrictions are being updated continuously. State-level and cultural exchanges are put on halt. In such a scenario, this book was an endeavour on the part of the author to share authentic material for the knowledge of the general public. This book consists of six chapters that, in a plain language suitable for everybody, undertake a thorough and detailed discussion pertaining to Coronavirus and its prevention.


Mots-Cles: Grayson Wick, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Virus, Pandemy, Epidemy, Outbreak, Wuhan, 2020, 2019, Télécharger Coronavirus 2020 : What is really happening and how to prevent it (updated February 12th, 2020 Wuhan Outbreak) PDF EPUB DJVU. Download Coronavirus 2020 : What is really happening and how to prevent it (updated February 12th, 2020 Wuhan Outbreak) PDF EPUB DJVU.

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