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Scientific Works - Volume 4

Scientific Works - Volume 4

Fushchych W.I., Boyko V.M.





577 pages

3.37 MB



[content title="Description"]In this paper, we are proposing an approach to calculate fundamental physical constants that characterize nucleon-meson dynamics. The approach is based on the referenced papers [1, 2], and on the premise that fundamental constants are reducible to mathematical relations and operations, which can be used to predict, define and calculate other fundamental “natural” unit systems (quanta). At the present, we have, when compared to available data on quantum electrodynamics (electron-photon dynamics), very limited [/content]

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[content title="About the author"]The first Head of Department of Applied Research of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine Prof. Dr. Sc. Wilhelm Fushchych (1936-1997). Professor Fushchych was the founder of the Ukrainian school of group-theoretical analysis of differential equations. The field of research interests of Wilhelm Fushchych included also the quantum field theory, the theory of representations of Lie groups and algebras, subgroup analysis of Lie groups, etc.
Boyko-the legendary Russian dj. He is one of the leaders of the electronic dance scene in Russia. The geography of his performances is very wide. He was heard in every city of great Russia, in the CIS countries and many European clubs. His powerful Dj [/content]


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