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Benchmarking, Temporal Distribution, and Reconciliation Methods for Time Series

Benchmarking, Temporal Distribution, and Reconciliation Methods for Time Series

Estela Bee Dagum, Pierre A. Cholette

Lecture Notes in Statistics 186

Springer-Verlag New York



417 pages

2.97 MB



[content title="Description"]In modern economies, time series play a crucial role at all levels of activity. They are used by decision makers to plan for a better future, by governments to promote prosperity, by central banks to control inflation, by unions to bargain for higher wages, by hospital, school boards, manufacturers, builders, transportation companies, and by consumers in general.

A common misconception is that time series data originate from the direct and straightforward compilations of survey data, censuses, and administrative records. On the contrary, before publication time series are subject to statistical adjustments intended to facilitate analysis, increase efficiency, reduce bias, replace missing values, [/content]

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"]Estela ( Estelle ) Bee Dagum is an Argentinian-Canadian economist and statistician who is a "chiara fama" professor of statistical sciences at the University of Bologna . She is known for her research in time series analysis , and in particular the development of the seasonal adjustment method X-11-ARIMA, which was widely used and predated the X-12-ARIMA and later. [/content]


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