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Biosystems Engineering I : Creating Superior Biocatalysts

 Biosystems Engineering I : Creating Superior Biocatalysts

Sang Yup Lee, Jin Hwan,Christoph Wittmann, Rainer Krull

Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology 120

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg



262 pages

2.94 MB



[content title="Description"]-Integration of Systems Biology with Bioprocess Engineering: L-Threonine Production by Systems Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia Coli, By Sang Yup Lee and Jin Hwan Park; -Analysis and Engineering of Metabolic Pathway Fluxes in Corynebacterium glutamicum, By Christoph Wittmann; -Systems Biology of Industrial Microorganisms, Marta Papini, Margarita Salazar, and Jens Nielsen; -De Novo Metabolic Engineering and the Promise of Synthetic DNA, By Daniel Klein-Marcuschamer, Vikramaditya G. Yadav, Adel Ghaderi, and Gregory N. Stephanopoulos; -Systems Biology of Recombinant Protein Production in Bacillus megaterium, Rebekka Biedendieck, Boyke Bunk, Tobias Fürich, Ezequiel Franco-Lara, Martina Jahn, and Dieter Jahn; -Extending Synthetic Routes for Oligosaccharides by Enzyme, Substrate and Reaction Engineering; By Jürgen Seibel, Hans-Joachim Jördening, and Klaus Buchholz; -Regeneration of Nicotinamide Coenzymes: Principles and Applications for the Synthesis of Chiral Compounds; By Andrea Weckbecker, Harald Gröger, and Werner Hummel;


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[content title="About the author"]Sang Yup Lee is an American-based Korean-born industrial designer. In 1995 he came to America to study Transportation design at the Art Center in Pasadena. He would later take a job with Porsche and Pininfarina in Europe before moving back stateside to work at General Motors.Professor and Director of Institute for Systems Biotechnology
Saarland University
At present, Christoph Wittmann is professor and director of the Institute of Systems Biotechnology at Saarland University, Saarbrücken. Prior to his current position, he received his PhD in biotechnology at the German Research Institute for Biotechnology (GBF) in Braunschweig, was postdoc at the University of Helsinki, professor for biotechnology at Münster University, professor and director of the Institute of Biochemical Engineering, as well as co-founder of the Systems Biology Centre and the Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering at Braunschweig Technical University in Germany.


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