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Genomic Imprinting : Methods and Protocols

Genomic Imprinting : Methods and Protocols

Wendy L. Dean, Gavin Kelsey, Wolf Reik , Andrew Ward

Methods in Molecular Biology 181

Humana Press



389 pages

1.95 MB



[content title="Description"]Imprinted genes, many of which generally control growth and development, frequently lose their imprints during cancer progression, a loss that then plays a substantial role in uncontrolled tumor growth. Imprint instability also appears to be a major limitation to the success of mammalian cloning experiments. In Genomic Imprinting: Methods and Protocols, Andrew Ward and a team of experienced researchers have brought together a collection of optimized classic and vanguard techniques for the identification and analysis of imprinted genes. The majority of protocols describe molecular techniques that allow examination of gene structure or expression in an allele-specific manner. Protocols are included for identifying and cloning imprinted genes, for analyzing imprinted gene expression, for the study of DNA methylation and methylation-sensitive DNA-binding proteins, and for examining chromatin structure. There are also methods for the manipulation of mouse embryos to produce monoparental embryos and embryonic stem cells, and for the generation of transgenic mice with BAC, PAC, and YAC constructs. Each technique is described in step-by-step detail to ensure successful results.
Incorporating a wealth of knowledge from leading exponents in the field, Genomic Imprinting: Methods and Protocols brings together all the essential molecular, genetic, and embryological methods commonly used in today's laboratories for the identification and analysis of imprinted genes. [/content]

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[content title="About the author"]Wendy Dean, MD is a psychiatrist, who also practiced as an emergency room physician, trained as a surgeon, worked for the U.S. Army, and been an executive at a large international non-profit. Her own personal experiences as a physician, a family member, and a patient, inform her unflinching advocacy for clinicians and patients alike.

Dean is the CEO and co-founder, with Simon G. Talbot, MD, of The Moral Injury of Healthcare (, a nonprofit organization reframing how best to understand and address distress in the healthcare workforce. Together they also cohost the podcast, Moral Matters.Gavin obtained a B.Sc. in Biochemistry from King’s College London and then a Ph.D. in Genetics from University College London. Between 1987 and 1995 he was a post-doc at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, where he held a long-term post-doctoral fellowship from EMBO (1987-1999). In 1995 Gavin joined the Babraham Institute as a Group Leader, holding an MRC senior (non-clinical) fellowship from 1995-2005. He came to Babraham to identify and characterise new imprinted genes. [/content]


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