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Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks

Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks

Martin L. Shooman


-Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated



546 pages

3.68 MB



[content title="Description"]With computers becoming embedded as controllers in everything from network servers to the routing of subway schedules to NASA missions, there is a critical need to ensure that systems continue to function even when a component fails. In this book, bestselling author Martin Shooman draws on his expertise in reliability engineering and software engineering to provide a complete and authoritative look at fault tolerant computing. He clearly explains all fundamentals, including how to use redundant elements in system design to ensure the reliability of computer systems and networks.Market: Systems and Networking Engineers, Computer Programmers, IT Professionals

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[content title="About the author"]Martin L. Shooman,Polytechnic Institute of New York University,Long Island Graduate Center,105 Maxess Rd.,Melville, NY 11747, USA,,Dr. Martin L. Shooman is a member of the Computer Science Department at Polytechnic Institute of NYU, Brooklyn, NY, and is President of Martin L. Shooman and Associates. He teaches courses in Software Engineering and Fault Tolerant Computing. Professor Shooman received his BSEE and MSEE degrees from MIT and his PhD in EE from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. He has many years of experience in research, teaching, writing and consulting in the fields of reliability, software engineering, software reliability, fault-tolerant computing, and control systems. [/content]


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