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The Genetics and Biology of Sex Determination

The Genetics and Biology of Sex Determination

Novartis Foundation

Novartis Foundation symposium 244

Novartis Foundation



275 pages

2.43 MB



[content title="Description"]This book reviews and discusses the most recent advances in the understanding of the molecular genetic pathways of sex determination, with special emphasis on vertebrates. Inter alia, coverage includes the genetics and biochemistry of mammalian sex determination, comparisons with other modes of sex determination, and consideration of the biology of sexual development and of the evolution of sex-determining mechanisms. By bringing together an international and interdisciplinary group of experts whose work is focused on many different aspects of the problem, the book reviews much new and exciting work in this area and serves to identify and stimulate promising new research directions.

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[content title="About the author"]The Novartis Foundation was a scientific and educational charity, formed in 1949 by the Swiss company Ciba, now Novartis, and dissolved in 2008. It was the direct successor to the Ciba Foundation, and the changed name (Novartis Foundation) reflected the new name of Ciba, after merging with Sandoz.


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