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Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics

Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics

Felsenstein J.





383 pages

2.47 MB



[content title="Description"]This is a text which is used in my Genome 562 course. It was originally written in the late 1970's, and many parts of it have not been updated since about 1981. A major part of the new chapter on molecular population genetics and most of a chapter on multiple linked loci, plus a chapter on polygenic characters in natural populations, has been added more recently. It was to be a book, but I became involved in work on phylogenies, and it has been published as lecture notes ever since. A small amount of new material has been added each time it was privately reprinted by me for use in my class. It was originally on a magnetic-card storage system for electric typewriters, and then migrated to the Runoff family of mathematical text formatting systems, and finally to LaTeX with Postscript figures.

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[content title="About the author"]Joseph "Joe" Felsenstein (born May 9, 1942[2]) is a Professor Emeritus in the Departments of Genome Sciences and Biology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is best known for his work on phylogenetic inference, and is the author of Inferring Phylogenies, and principal author and distributor of the package of phylogenetic inference programs called PHYLIP. Closely related to his work on phylogenetic inference is his introduction of methods for making statistically independent comparisons using phylogenies. [/content]


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