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The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities

The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities
Author(s): Fabozzi, Frank J
Collection: 7th
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Inc.,US
Year: 2016
Langue: English
Pages: 864 pages
Size: 7.29 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"]This edition of The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities, the first revision following the subprime mortgage crisis, is designed to provide not only the fundamentals of these securities and the investment characteristics that make them attractive to a broad range of investors, but also extensive coverage on the state-of-the-art strategies for capitalizing on the opportunities in this market. The book is intended for both the individual investor and the professional manager. The volume includes contributions from a wide range of experts most of whom have been actively involved in the evolution of the mortgage-backed securities market. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"]Frank J. Fabozzi is adjunct professor of finance at Yale University's School of Management. He is the author, co-author, or editor of literally dozens of titles on a plethora of investing topics. [/content] [/tab]

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