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Mitochondrial DNA : Methods and Protocols

Mitochondrial DNA : Methods and Protocols

William C. Copeland

Methods in Molecular Biology

-Humana Press



419 pages

4.20 MB



[content title="Description"]Mutations within mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the nuclear genes involved in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA have been linked to a wide range of human diseases, including several of the most common diseases of aging. In Mitochondrial DNA: Methods and Protocols internationally recognized authorities describe in great detail the methods they have perfected to analyze mtDNA and the proteins involved in its maintenance. The analytical techniques cover the purification of mtDNA from a variety of sources and the analysis of DNA for both deletions, point mutations, and damage, for replication intermediates, and for following the fate of mtDNA outside of the mitochondria. Additional analytical methods are presented for analyzing the proteins and enzymes that maintain mtDNA. Each readily reproducible protocol includes step-by-step instructions, tips on avoiding pitfalls and extending the method to other situation, and introductory material explaining the theory behind the process.
Comprehensive and timely, Mitochondrial DNA: Methods and Protocols offers both basic and clinical researchers proven cutting-edge methods for analyzing the role mtDNA plays in the aging process, apoptosis, and possibly some cancers, and for investigating the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction and disease. [/content]

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[content title="About the author"]I was trained as a clinical psychologist at the University of Vermont and then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in psychiatric epidemiology at Duke University Medical Center. As part of a NIMH K23 award and a NARSAD early-career investigator award, I received supplemental training in psychiatric genetics and biomarker analysis. Since then, I have been the PI or Co-I on grants from NIMH, NIDA, NICHD and the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation to support my work on the longitudinal, representative Great Smoky Mountains Study. I am also currently an investigator on the Duke Preschool Anxiety Study, the Fast Track Intervention Trial, the University of Vermont Wellness Study, and Project RAISE. Across all of these studies, my research program has focusing on understanding the development of emotional and behavior health across the lifespan. This work includes understanding the interplay between early adverse experiences and genetic vulnerability with other individual, family, and contextual characteristics. The program of research has led to over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts including publications in JAMA, JAMA: Pediatrics, JAMA: Psychiatry, the American Journal of Psychiatry, American Journal of Public Health, Biological Psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [/content]


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