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Psychiatric Genetics. Methods and Reviews

Psychiatric Genetics. Methods and Reviews

Marion Leboyer, Frank Bellivier

Methods in Molecular Biology

Humana Press



259 pages

1.24 MB



[content title="Description"]Psychiatric Genetics provides the reader with a complete view of the methodological problems encountered in psychiatry genetics and proposes solutions to commonly occurring questions. The best European and American specialists have given a thorough review on the advantages and disadvantages of genetic epidemiological methods, the way to choose a genetic marker or a clinical interview and how to ascertain patients, unaffected relatives and controls and what should be the criteria to include a case or a control. New phenotypic methods are described focusing on candidate symptom and endophenotype approaches. Examples coming from cognitive neurosciences, biochemistry, electrophysiology and brain imaging techniques are reviewed. This book will serve as an essential handbook for psychiatrists, psychologists, and geneticists involved in the genetics of psychiatric disorders. [/content]

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[content title="About the author"]After studying medicine at Paris Descartes University , a master's degree and a science thesis at Pierre and Marie Curie University , and having been appointed intern at the Paris hospitals in 1981, she was head of clinic at the hospital . de La Pitié-Salpêtrière from 1989 to 1994. From 2002 to 2007, she was head of the sectorized psychiatry service of the Albert Chenevier hospital and of the psychiatry service of the Henri Mondor hospital in 2002 before being appointed head of the psychiatry center 2 . Since 2019, she has been medical director of the Innovation in Mental Health, Psychiatry and AddiCTology university hospital department of Grand-Paris-Sud(DMU IMPACT) 3 within the Henri-Mondor University Hospital Center ( AP-HP ) and the University Hospital Federation of Precision Medicine in Psychiatry and Addiction (FHU ADAPT) since 2020 [/content]


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