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Molecular Cytogenetics. Protocols and Applications

Molecular Cytogenetics. Protocols and Applications

Yao-Shan Fan

Methods in Molecular Biology

Humana Press



389 pages

4.24 MB



[content title="Description"]Yao-Shan Fan and a panel of senior scientists and pioneering researchers describe in step-by-step style the leading FISH techniques and those molecular technologies beyond FISH available for diagnostic services in genetics and oncology. The methods include labeling FISH probes for DNA and RNA targets, fluorescence genotyping, CGH microarray, spectral karyotyping/multicolor FISH, and primed in situ labeling. There are also techniques for multicolor fiber FISH, multi-telomere FISH, prenatal diagnosis using maternal blood, and preimplantation diagnosis. Oncological methods include simultaneous fluorescence immunophenotyping and FISH for leukemia and lymphoma, HER2 amplification in breast cancer, and CAC/PAC for cancer cytogenetics. [/content]

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[content title="About the author"]Yao-Shan Fan, M.D., Ph.D., received his medical degree at Suzhou University Medical College (former Soochow Medical College) in 1978 and then received his Ph.D. degree at Harbin Medical University in 1986. He completed four years of research fellowship in cancer cytogenetics and human molecular genetics at Roswell Park Cancer Institute at Buffalo, New York and two years of CCMG (Canadian College of Medical Geneticists) training in clinical cytogenetics at University of Alberta.

As a board certified Clinical Cytogeneticist and Genomicist, he worked as the director of Clinical Cytogenetics Laboratory at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga and London Health Science Centre, and assistant /associate Professor of University of Western Ontario during 1990-2003. He also completed one year training in clinical molecular genetics and served as a member of the CCMG Cytogenetics Committee and member/chair of the Genetics Committee of the Canadian Laboratory Proficient Testing Program (LPTP).

Dr. Fan worked as a professor of pathology and genetics, medical director of Clinical Cytogenetics and Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, medical director of the University of Miami Genomics Laboratory (NGS lab), and CLIA director of Pathology Laboratories (cytogenetics, molecular oncology, flow cytometry, microbiology and molecular infectious disease) at University of Miami Miller school of Medicine during 2003-2020.

Dr. Fan is one of the pioneers in molecular cytogenetics, particularly the technology of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and its applications in clinical and cancer cytogenetics. Dr. Fan authored "Molecular Cytogenetics: Protocols and Applications" in 2002, and continued his efforts in the applications of new molecular technologies including genomic microarrays, PCR based testing and sequencing for cancer diagnosis and treatment, and published over 100 articles and more than 300 abstracts in medical journals and conferences.

Dr. Fan recently joined the professional team in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic Florida as the director of molecular pathology. His clinical service and research will focus on applications of FISH, PCR, genomic microarray and DNA sequencing for cancer diagnosis, treatment and outcome monitoring.



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